Meet Alpha Omega Epsilon, North Carolina State University’s only professional and social sorority for women in STEM

A Little Bit About Us

The Gamma Chapter of Alpha Omega Epsilon was founded on April 20th, 1991 at North Carolina State University. Since our founding over 30 years ago, we have become a home for women in science and engineering to learn professional skills and build friendships. We pride ourselves on our three main ideals: friendship, leadership, and professionalism, and strive to promote these ideals everywhere we go.

Letter From the President

Hello! I am Reilly LaRoche, and I have the privilege of serving as the 2025 President of the Gamma Chapter of Alpha Omega Epsilon at NC State University. I am currently a junior studying Business Administration with a concentration in Human Resource Management and a minor in Psychology. Throughout my time in AΩE I have had the opportunity to hold many positions including Wellness and Recreation co-chair, Professional Development chair, Standards chair, and Recording Secretary. Outside of AΩE I am also involved in Hillel on campus and I do research in Organizational Psychology in the PAWW lab.

The Gamma Chapter was founded in 1991 as a way for women in STEM to come together as sisters to create supporting friendships and learn important professional skills. Since our founding, we have created a community for hundreds of women in STEM here at NC State.

Our pillars of friendship, leadership, and professionalism guide the decisions of our sorority. We strive to always create a warm, friendly environment where our sisters feel comfortable growing friendships and strengthening their leadership and professional skills. Our sisterhood-building events, various leadership positions, and professional development events help to provide this safe environment.

We are very active on NC State campus. We participate in NC State sponsored events like Homecoming, as well as events held by other organizations on campus. We also value our relationships with other Greek Life organizations and enjoy supporting their various philanthropies.

Our philanthropy, “Dress for Success”, empowers women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire, and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life. Throughout the school year, we host events to raise money for our philanthropy, and we further support “Dress for Success” by volunteering for their organization.

Since becoming a member of AΩE, I have grown as a leader, professional, and friend from the support and guidance of my sisters, both academically and socially. I am beyond grateful for the lifelong friends and the community of women who endlessly inspire and support each other.

If you are interested in joining our chapter, please attend our recruitment events to meet our amazing sisters and hear about their experiences. We have recruitment in the fall and spring. You are also welcome to follow our Instagram page (@a.o.e.ncsu) to learn more about our chapter and recruitment process. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at

Gamma Love,

Reilly LaRoche